Contact us when you need legal advice or a criminal defence lawyer.
We speak Swedish, English and Arabic.
• Criminal Law, as defence lawyers or as counsel for injured party
• Family Law; divorce, child custody and child support
• Immigration Law: asylum and work/resident permits
• Compulsory care of young people, abusers and mental care (LVU, LVM, LPT and LRV.)
• Personal Injury Law
In many cases the state will bear the legal cost, or a part of it. In some cases you are entitled to use your insurance company to pay for most of your cost. You are always most welcome to contact us so we can inform you more precisely in how we can assist you and provide you with more information about the costs.
Legal protection
If you end up in a legal dispute and need financial help, you should primarily use the legal protection in your insurances. Legal protection insurance should help cover your costs for legal representation in disputes concerning your private life.
Legal protection is automatically included in almost all Swedish home, villa and holiday home insurances as well as full boat insurance and full/half car insurance.
How the legal protection is designed can be seen from your insurance policies or insurance conditions. Contact your insurance company if you have any questions. Keep in mind that you can also be insured through your trade union.
Legal aid
Legal aid means that you can get help paying parts of the cost in cases that cannot be completed within the counseling time (two hours). Legal aid covers most of the cost of a lawyer or other expert. You can also get help with the costs of proof and other expenses.
Only private individuals can receive legal aid, i.e. not associations, companies and the like. In some cases, the deceased's estate can, however, receive legal aid. In order to receive legal aid, as a general rule, you must have had one hour of counseling according to the Legal Aid Act.
You must not have a financial basis (the sum of income, burden of support, wealth and debts) of more than SEK 260,000 per year, there must be a need for legal help and it must be reasonable for the state to contribute to the costs in the matter. We charge for one hour of advice according to the prevailing hourly cost standard. (current price can be found at the Swedish Courts Office. Prices are adjusted every year).
Crime, forced care or asylum
When people are suspected of or have been exposed to crime, special rules on legal fees apply.
Anyone suspected of having committed a more serious crime has the right to a public defender, and anyone who has been the victim of a crime can receive legal counsel at the state's expense.
Some other types of cases can also affect the individual's life in a profound way, such as when someone has to be taken into compulsory care, or when asylum seekers have to have their case tried. In those cases, the state pays for the costs of public assistance.